понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

drying thyme

Big weekend of doing things. Yesterday morning I went to the bank then to the library to pick up a movie on hold for the boys and then dropped by the Kmart to buy the re-release of Sleeping Beauty. Meanwhile Bill cleaned like a fiend around the house. After lunch, we took the boys to a Sibling Class at the hospital, which taught them things like donapos;t try to pick up your new baby without help from grown-ups, donapos;t touch the soft spot on the head, and brothers sisters should never feed their new babies. They also gave them a tour around the maternity ward and showed them what the babies wear and some new babies in the nursery. Kieranapos;s favorite part was playing with the baby dolls they passed out for everyone to examine. Devon was VERY shy but listened intently. At the end, they let all the boys girls pick out a brand new book to give to their new baby. All in all, it was a big success.

Today Bill patched the roof where some shingles had gotten damaged, causing water to leak into the kitchen a few days ago (which was how we noticed it). While he was up there, he says he had an excellent view of the airshow going on at the local airport. He also hung up a stained glass Winnie the Pooh in the nursery which we had gotten at a local craft show a few weeks back. He tried to hang the beautiful stained glass art I got from traceroo a few years back, but it turns out the rings holding the chain on have gotten damaged and Iapos;ll have to repair them first. No biggie, but it just requires a trip to the craft store first. He also went on a wild doorstop replacing spree, as most of the doorstops in the house were broken when we moved in. While all this was going on, I managed to do a few small things around the house here and there. We did finally finish packing things for the hospital, which was a big accomplishment.

And no, no baby yet nor any sign of impending babiness.

cedar grove mulch stinks, drying thyme, drying timber, drying timber solar kiln.

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